Where the heck is Matt

By whoismistere

Bunch of videos from You Tube

By whoismistere
A bunch of videos I've come across that I like for my own reasons.

This is Basia Bulat, maybe you'll hear of her again in the future

I dig this video of Elephant Gun by Beirut

This is Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Yeah, I know, awesome name for a band. The girls in the video are from a band called Eisley. Check them out.

The are Los Campesinos!. They're welsh. The animated video is a spectacle

Nice little song by Bishop Allen. Click Click Click

I know this one's weird, but its very neat too. Give it a try. Architecture in Helsinki - Heart it Races

BBtv: Clara Belle performs "Summer Face" on Ukulele

By whoismistere

The Map Rap ---e

By whoismistere

Tay Zonday and Brian Bell - Pork & Beans Acoustic

By whoismistere

Tay Zonday cover of the new weezer song.

By whoismistere
I came across this interesting page about James Gurney, artist for the Dinotopia books. He was visited and preached to.

Here is his account:

A follow up:

And links about it:

Here is his original post:

Monday, May 26, 2008

Unexpected Visitors

When the doorbell rang yesterday, Jeanette leaned into the studio and said, “Jim, would you get it?”

A silver BMW with spoke wheels had parked in the driveway. Two men with blue shirts were standing on the front porch.

I reached for my sketch pouch and stepped outside. The younger man said, “Are you concerned about the future?”

“Sure,” I said. I opened up some folding chairs and invited them to sit down. I asked the younger man if he would be willing to sit for a sketch, and he agreed. He opened his Bible and read the stories of Adam, Noah, Job, and Lazarus.

“According to Jehovah,” he said, “God is bringing this system to an end, and suffering will come to mankind.”

The older man followed along with his index finger in his own Bible. He glanced up from time to time to watch me draw. I was using a 4B graphite pencil. After I sharpened it a couple of times the pencil became almost too short to hold. The older man said, “I was wondering when you were going to get a new pencil.”

The younger man said that no one had ever sketched his portrait before. He brought out a camera and asked to take a picture of the sketch and of us together.

The older man reached into a leather case and handed me a book entitled "WHAT DOES THE BIBLE Really TEACH?" and "SHOULD YOU FEAR THE FUTURE?" They said they would be back again. I’ll have my watercolor kit ready.


Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Hulk together!!!

By whoismistere
This is just way to neat to not share.


The Headlights - Tripwire Acoustic Session

By whoismistere

New Weezer video - Pork and Beans

By whoismistere

This video is real neat.

Fun at a Best Buy

By whoismistere

Now you know. Be very careful of what you do when in a Best Buy!